Ride On: A Biker Philosophy on Social Conformity


Group of bikers holding up their jackets with their biker gang patches on them


Life is like a motorcycle ride.

You can ride next to other people, and inevitably you will, but ultimately your ride is yours alone.

Nobody else can experience it from your perspective, and you can’t experience anyone else’s from theirs. Ultimately we’re all solely responsible for the decisions we make on the road.

Whatever group or groups you find yourself riding with, don’t forget that the ride is yours and yours alone.

If/when you get absorbed into a group, you tend to start looking at the road from the perspective of the group, and when your perception changes, your identity changes.

If you’re not careful you can forget that the road is life and start thinking the group is life.

If you let your perception of life becomes tied to the group, then your perception becomes a slave to the group. Then you become a slave to the group.

So remember, You’re on your own ride. Ride on.


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